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growing together neighbours together

Do you think your international youth projects could be more diverse? Or maybe more intercultural? Or inclusive? Or European?

Do you know that the Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps programmes offer opportunities for cooperation with many youth organisations from outside the European Union? And in case you are not based in the EU, there are plenty of opportunities to develop youth work in your country with the support of both European youth programmes!

Discover the opportunities for cooperation and get inspiration for great youth projects with the support of BEYOND BORDERS, a long-term, strategic cooperation of the regional SALTO Resource Centres and Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps National Agencies.

Becoming an Humanitarian Aid volunteer changes your life in many different ways, including your perspective on the world and how people live

Is education a fundamental right that every child should have access to, regardless of their background or circumstances? Unfortunately, many disadvantaged young

I thought to tell you this story briefly, but in my opinion good stories are rarely short. My name is Miko Shakhdinarian

Dilijan in Armenia is a town in a heart of a national park. The forested town is home to numerous artists, composers,

Milena Morari grew up in a small town of Glodeni, in north of Moldova. Luckily, there was a youth centre, were Milena

Basics of Cooperation with Neighbouring Partner Countries Prepared especially for new NA officers Download this content Which countries from outside the European