Discovering Armenia with Humanitarian Aid volunteering

Becoming an Humanitarian Aid volunteer changes your life in many different ways, including your perspective on the world and how people live their lives.

As from 2022, the European Solidarity Corps opens up to the world and offers new cross-border volunteering activities in support of humanitarian aid operations in third countries. This action gives the opportunity to young people to contribute to society by activities aimed at improving the living conditions of people in need. These projects must align with the humanitarian aid principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, as well as with the ‘do no harm’ principle. Adriána Čigášová from Slovakia and Alba Iglesias from Spain came to Armenia and worked in Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” (YIC) NGO and Spitak “Youth House”. 

Volunteering activities

Adriána’s and Alba’s projects were filled with many trainings and workshops. Girls did their own training on various topics such as “excel club” for local organizations to improve the technical and logical competences of young people, a “first aid” training where the participants got to know some psychological first aid techniques, a “nutrition” training to teach young people about the nutrients that are important for having a healthy eating behaviour, a training course on the topic of “positive and secure relationships” to raise awareness about the importance of sexually transmitted diseases. 

Alba says: “I acquired so many skills during my deployment, such as independence, autonomy, problem-solving competencies, organizational skills, that I will use in my future position, in Colombia.” 

Mariam Gharagyozyan, a project coordinator at YIC underlines that humanitarian aid volunteering projects are “an opportunity to bring unique expertise of an experienced European volunteer to daily practices of the organization: in particular through strengthening the services of the organization provided to young people. Humanitarian Aid Volunteering is another important pillar to our work in this field, bringing a new working culture and diversity of practices to YIC.”

Discover Armenia or adventures in the Caucasus 

But being a volunteer is not only about the job, it’s much more. You will have the opportunity to travel around and to discover other places, countries, people and cultures, says Alba. The volunteer project provides not only a large number of opportunities, but also challenges and unforgettable emotions.

At one of the events, Adriána experienced an extraordinary situation: “We were invited to the baptism of the child of one of the colleagues. I expected a small session with a few people and some snacks. It turned out to be a party that can be compared to Slovak large weddings”.

Volunteering time is great for becoming acquainted with a new culture and finding differences in mentality. In case of Adriana, it was an unusual experience to use a local transport in Armenia, which she would hardly have been able to meet in her native country, Slovakia. She says: “Travelling by my beloved local transport known as the marshrutka is truly an adventure. No matter how crowded the marshrutka already is, there’s always room for one more person. Whether you want or not, you cannot avoid this bonding experience. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see a random lady suggesting you sitting on her lap”.

What is humanitarian in “Humanitarian Aid Volunteering”?

Adriana explains: “from my perspective the term humanitarian can be defined as the actions and activities that aim to address the needs and improve the well-being of individuals, communities, or societies that are vulnerable, affected by crises, or facing difficult circumstances. Regarding my project, it can be considered humanitarian because it promotes biking in Gyumri and its surroundings, which contributes to the improved quality of life for young people. Also, the project includes capacity development for the hosting organisation by enhancing their social entrepreneurship field capacity. This aspect of the project aligns with humanitarian principles as it aims to strengthen the organization’s ability to serve its beneficiaries effectively and sustainably. And finally, my project indirectly benefits young people, local communities, and partner organizations in different regions, which can be considered a humanitarian aspect as it seeks to improve the well-being and opportunities for these groups.”

Should I apply for a project?

Currently, girls have returned home and continue their regular lives, but with many new perspectives and experiences. According to the volunteers, these kinds of projects are adventures everybody should try. It gives new perspectives, new connections, memories, and opportunities. At the beginning a volunteer comes to new, unknown place which, at the end of the project, becomes another home. Humanitarian volunteering brings so many benefits: how to adapt to new situations, how to handle things that used to be so easy in the home country. “You can gain new skills, maybe even learn a new language, and most likely, you will discover new things about yourself. So… my only advice – if you are having some hesitations about doing it or not… just go for it!” – Alba says with passion in her voice.

Also for the receiving organisations, the humanitarian aid volunteering projects bring new perspectives and quality support. As Mariam Gharagyozyan says: “Humanitarian Aid Volunteering differs from regular volunteering projects first of all because it provides an opportunity to fill in the gaps of the organization in the fields where we need support and external experience. Secondly, it brings the management and coordination of the projects to a level up and professionalism.”

Volunteers can register HERE and express interest in Humanitarian Aid volunteering. Prior to a volunteering activity volunteers need to have completed successfully a self-assessment, an online and face-to-face training.

Organisations interested to take part in Humanitarian Aid volunteering projects should obtain a specific Quality Label for this action. The recruitment and assessment is managed by the Education and Culture Executive Agency.

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