Embrace – Emotional Mastery

In today’s fast-paced world, young people face a multitude of challenges that can impact their emotional well-being. From academic pressures and social media influences to personal relationships and future uncertainties, the ability to effectively manage emotions has never been more crucial. Emotional mastery involves understanding and regulating one’s emotions while coping effectiveness focuses on the […]

Stakeholder Conference: Ideas on How to Bridge the Gap

Almost 100 changemakers from 33 countries united in Bonn to reshape youth cooperation between programme and neighbouring partner countries for a more fair and connected future through Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps! Here is a glimpse of the conclusions! Read the full report of the event The Beyond Borders Stakeholder Conference, held in Bonn, Germany […]

Beyond Borders – Plans for 2025

The Beyond Borders strategic partnership develops in the following areas defined by the project’s objectives: Practical / grass-root level activities, such as partner-finding activities, study visits or training courses etc. involving all three regions. Key events involving all three regions (e.g. larger seminars or conferences/forums). Promotional activities, showcasing of successful projects, information on the opportunities […]

Beyond Borders Stakeholder Conference: From Reflection to Action

Young people sitting with their backs on chairs in a conference room with a screen in front displaying Beyond Borders

As the Beyond Borders project gears up for its highly anticipated “Beyond Borders Stakeholder Conference – Creating a Positive Impact Through Cooperation”, 16–20 September 2024, we caught up with the facilitators of the event, Anna Yeghoyan from Armenia and Snezana Baclija Knoch from Serbia, to dive into what makes this conference a starting point for […]

From Ideas to Actions: Morocco 2024 seminar

A group of young people sit on a floor and discuss

From June 10 to 14, fifty youth workers from twenty-five countries gathered in Skhirat, Morocco, for the Beyond Borders partnership-building activity. We spoke with participants and organisers about stereotypes, social justice, personal growth, and the essential role of international youth cooperation that goes beyond the borders of the European Union. The event centred on establishing […]

Staff Meeting 2024

National Agencies/SALTOs Staff Meeting on Cooperation Between Programme and Neighbouring Partner Countries20-22 February 2024, Tbilisi Read the full report of the event The meeting of National Agencies and SALTO staff on cooperation between the programme and  the neighbouring partner countries was organised between 20-22 of February 2024 in Tbilisi, Georgia. This time the SALTO Eastern […]

Volunteering Beyond Borders 2023

two girls in a busy seminar room congratulating each other shaking hands and smiling

The Volunteering Beyond Borders partnership-building activity took place in Prague, Czech Republic from June 25th to 29th, 2023. The activity was organized by the Czech National Agency within the strategic partnership of National Agencies and SALTO‘s “Beyond Borders – Neighbours Together”. The main goal of the activity was to promote cooperation and partnership between organisations […]

Article Guidelines

folders with guidelines title

Please find below some guidelines for preparing articles to be published on the Beyond Borders portal. General information Beyond Borders – Neighbours Together is a long-term, strategic partnership project of the regional SALTO Resource Centres and National Agencies for the European youth programmes, which aims to enhance youth cooperation between Programme and  neighbouring partner countries. […]

Erasmus Youth accreditations

Erasmus Youth accreditations are a tool for organisations that plan to implement learning mobility activities on a regular basis with simplified access to funding opportunities. Applicants will be required to lay down their longer-term objectives and plan in terms of activities to be supported with Erasmus funds, expected benefits as well as their approach to […]

SALTO Resource Centres

logo of SALTO network (letters of SALTO)

SALTO stands for Support, Advanced Learning and Training Opportunities. It supports Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps programmes. There are 11 SALTO Resource Centres supporting all the sectors of Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps. Some SALTOs focus on the youth field and three of them are regional SALTO Resource Centres, which specialise on supporting […]